Dr. Goss New Body Products ARI (Potassium Phosphate)

Potassium Phosphate will complete the cycle of thoseborn between March 22 and April 20. A lack of thismineral will produce an imbalance in the body andaffect the brain, nerves and body cells. Complaintsfrom the lack of this mineral are confusion, nervousness,and mixed emotions.Potassium Phosphate can be obtained by eatinglettuce, cauliflower,...
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$ 26.00

New Body Products


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Potassium Phosphate will complete the cycle of those
born between March 22 and April 20. A lack of this
mineral will produce an imbalance in the body and
affect the brain, nerves and body cells. Complaints
from the lack of this mineral are confusion, nervousness,
and mixed emotions.
Potassium Phosphate can be obtained by eating
lettuce, cauliflower, olives, spinach, radishes, lentils,
apples, walnuts, cabbage, potatoes, horseradish,
onions, pumpkins, cucumbers, and lima beans;
or in the New Body Herbal Formula ARI (Aries).
Ingredients: Comfrey Root, Gotu Kola, Chickweed,
Chamomile, Dandelion Root, Licorice, Capsicum.

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