Water is essential for life. Our bodies are more than 70% water and designed to run primarily on water and minerals. The water we drink, shower in and cook with can have a significant impact on our overall health.
Aquasana Drinking Water Filters use best-in-class filtering technology to provide maximum reduction in water contaminants while leaving beneficial minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium in the water. The result is healthy, great-tasting water that provides optimum hydration for the human body.
The drinking water filters are NSF Certified to reduce 77 common water contaminants including over 96% of chlorine and chloramines as well as over 99% of lead, asbestos, turbidity and VOCs.
Aquasana is committed to staying at the forefront of water filtration engineering and innovation. As a result, customers benefit from a variety of high performance products that are affordable and safe for the environment.
At Earth's Works, we appreciate Aquasana for their level of commitment to the betterment of people, animals and EARTH! Thanks, Aquasana!
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Information and statements about the products on this site are not intended to be interpreted as medical advise, care, or treatment of a medical condition. Always consult your physician for care and treatment of medical conditions.